Vestry Members
MaryAnn Cummings (2020)
Deb MarcAurele (2020)
Arlene Orcutt (2020)
Donna Pacheco (2020)
Tracy Robbins (2020)
Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Arlene Orcutt
Alternate Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Richard Young
A Seasonal Newsletter
of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pontiac
Volume 1 Number 4
All Saints Church in Pontiac
Parish Priest Father Alfred T. K. Zadig (774-243-7609)
Vicar Father George H. Warren (401) 710-9893)
For Emergencies (401-714-8152)
Parish Administrator Austin "Skip" Almon
Organist Lynn Tzitzouris
Sunday Bulletin Jenni Liddle
Newsletter Editor Annette Cox
Sexton Cheryl Flynn
Senior Warden A. H. Liddle, III
Junior Warden Floyd "Hoot" Smith
Treasurer Meredith MarcAurele
Clerk Richard Young
8 and 10 a.m.
From A to Z — Some Thoughts from Father Al
As I think of what is happening in our parish, to say that “God moves in mysterious ways” would be an understatement. Not all that long ago, I was pondering what the future might hold for us. We are not in com- pliance with fire codes and some of the electrical wiring is in violation of what is required for safety, meaning that All Saints could be closed if changes are not made. As your priests and Vestry discussed that ur- gent situation, we realized that our church also has other major issues including the difficulty in safely negotiating the steep and narrow stairs leading down to Lyford Hall or up to the clergy offices which render them virtually inaccessible for many. Also, the difficulty in adequately heating and cooling our facility has sometimes made using the church and/or other rooms problematic. A result of our discussion was the appointment of an Advisory Committee charged with the task of pre- paring an inclusive list of what our needs are as well as how those needs might be met. The committee members researched possible solution to the problems and we now have a “ball park” idea of costs. The next step will be to arrange for the services of a professional con- sultant to help us identify and seek funding from within the parish as well as from outside through significant grants. As they say, “STAY TUNED!”
Since our last newsletter, a number of forward steps have taken place. We now have an attractive website (allsaintschurchri.com) and our own retired Deacon Skip Almon is working on establishing a Facebook page for the parish. The widespread use of the new shrine of the Holy Family as expressed through the lighting of votive candles reflects the desire for a place for quiet prayer. An attractive wrought iron railing has been installed at the edge of the baptistry, and thanks to our ever- faithful Hoot Smith, new outdoor lights have been installed outside the church, and inside, the upstairs men’s restroom has a new floor.
I wish you a restful, but even more, a grace-filled Summer.
Vicar’s Notes
Didn’t someone say that “a picture is worth a thou- sand words?” I sense a need to explain the photo on this page. First of all, I do believe that as old as we might become one “cannot take the boy or girl out of the adult.” Some things just don’t want to go away! Some jump out of airplanes; some go to the top of Mt. Everest; some become jockeys in the horse race events; and I really enjoy riding my motorcycle!
While raising my children “moderation” was a key word. “Go with your passions; be a good individual, and be careful!” Sometimes being both a priest and a dad is a delicate task in teaching and raising our chil- dren in “moderation”. “Moderate” is ‘not extreme or excessive, temper- ate; adverse to radical views or measures’. Yes, we believe as Christ followers that God loves all his children and wants the best for each of us. To “enjoy living” as well as being responsible for it is a good thing. This is moderation. Yes, we can and do believe that Jesus not only laughed but had a good sense of humor as well as moderation and re- sponsibility. Check your Bible again! He was both human and divine all at once. This is the wonderful Doctrine of the Incarnation.
To take on the delicious breeze and the warm sunshine is a thankful joy and pleasure for me. It is feeling alive and well in both times of joy as well as sadness; in those times of both health and illness. Prayer and responsibility is keeping aware of God’s love for me and us, and to be particularly responsive to such a loving God and Father.
The Rev. George Warren
From the Senior Warden
Dear Parishioners,
The 4th of July holiday commemorates the adoption in 1776 of the Declaration of Independence. In that document, our Founding Fathers acknowledged their “firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi- dence.”
This Independence Day, let us recall the faith of our fathers and what that faith inspired them to accomplish for us all.
Happy 4th of July!
Junior Warden
We would like to Welcome Floyd “Hoot” Smith as our new Junior Warden. We are very pleased that he has agreed to accept this position. In the past Hoot has served our parish in the capacities of Junior Warden, Senior Warden, and Treasurer. Hoot has already been busy helping to care for things around the parish and rectory.
A Note Or Two From Our Junior Warden
WOW! Wait until you see the new wrought iron railing surrounding the baptismal font area at the altar. It is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship by Sergio Lenza. It is a perfect match for the original alongside of the altar steps, just in time for the baptism of Jackson on July 22nd.
The two outdoor lamps which were donated to the church by Tom and Karen Thompson are up and running. They are located on the stone walls. There are two more lamps, donated by the Liddle family, and they, too, will be installed on the stone walls in the near future.
The upstairs bathroom has a new tile floor.
The rectory has been done over by the King family and they are currently in residence there. Welcome Don, Katie and Hadley!
A Message from the Treasurer
Happy Summer!
We are halfway through our fiscal year and I am pleased to report that on the income side of the house pledges are right on budget. Expenses on the other hand are over budget by about 15% due to unplanned maintenance expenses (both church and rectory) and higher-than-budgeted heating costs. Fortunately, with the unplanned expenses we have also received some unplanned donations. The generosity of our parishioners never ceases to amaze me. Thanks to all for supporting All Saints!
Meredith MarcAurele
To the ministries of All Saints that enrich our services: Priests, Fr. Al and Fr. George; Parish Administrator, Skip Almon; Sunday Bulletin, Jenni Liddle; Altar Guild, Pauline Nunes, Tracy Robbins, Gail and Mike Croke; Bell Ringers, Zachary Pacheco and Richard Young; Organist and Choir Director, Lynn Tzitzouris; Choir Members, Pauline Nunes, Hansi MacNeil, Joe Gonsalves and Fred Liddle; Lectors and Greeters, Adriana Pacheco, Kerry Pacheco, Donna Pacheco, Hoot Smith, Richard Young, Bruce MacNeil, Mike Croke, and Norm Ellinwood; Lay Eucharistic Minister, Annette Cox; Money Counters, Richard Young and MaryAnn Cummings. And, to all the parishioners who make All Saints a warm and welcoming place to be!
Parish Administrator

Shrine of the Holy Family

A third “new thing” is a green altar frontal which, like the aumbry for holy oils, was made possible by the Father Henthorne Fund. Green is the color used during the longest liturgical season of the year, the period following the Feast of Corpus Christi and ending at Advent.
Photos by Donna Pacheco and
Fred Liddle
Did You Know? This time, some terms beginning with “D.”
Dalmatic — A rectangular shape vestment worn by Deacons. It corresponds to the oval chasuble worn by Priests.
Deacons — From the Greek language meaning “Server.” Its beginning is described in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6. In the Catholic Tradition (Anglican, Roman, or Eastern Orthodox) deacons are ordained ministers.
Dean — (1) The priest in charge of a cathedral, with the title of “the Very Reverend.” (2) The leader of a Deanery or section of a diocese. (3) The head of the faculty of a seminary, or department of a college.
Decalogue — From the Greek language meaning “Ten Words” and used as a title for the Ten Commandments.
Diocese — A geographic organization of the Church with a bishop as chief pastor. In this country, Episcopal dioceses are often state-wide such as the Diocese of Rhode Island, while larger states may have more than one diocese.
Dogma — From the Greek language meaning “Opinion.” Its original definition seems to have been “that which seems good” but over time the term came to be used for theological teachings proclaimed by the Church. Example: the Trinity — that God is Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet One God.
Doxology — From the Greek language for “Words of Praise.” In gen- eral, any form of words in which glory is ascribed to God. The Gloria in Excelsis (Glory to God in the highest) said or sung at Mass is often called “The Greater Doxology” and the Gloria Patri (Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit) is called “The Lesser Doxology.” However, the most common reference is to the hymn which begins “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” which in some parishes is sung when the elements of bread and wine, along with offerings from the worshipers, are presented at the Altar.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret, dear.
The reason everybody sounded off key is that they were singing No. 239 and you were singing No. 320!”

Renewal of Wedding Vows
To those of us who attended worship service on Sunday, May 6, 2018, we were honored to witness the renewal of wedding vowels of Hoot and Anne Smith. It was their 65th wedding anniversary!
After the service we joined them in the undercroft with family and friends for a bountiful and delicious reception.
Congratulations Anne and Hoot!
Have you noticed?
In the sacristy. Thanks to the Father Henthorne Fund, we now have a repository for the storage of the oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism and the anointing of the sick. By ancient tradition, those oils are blessed by the bishop during the Mass in Holy Week at which the clergy also renew their ordination vows.
In the church. One change has been the moving of the baptismal font to the front of the church so that at baptisms, all those present will more easily be able to see and participate fully. We have a new railing surrounding the baptismal font. Thanks to the skills and craftsmanship of Sergio Lenza it is a perfect match for the original alongside of the altar steps.
The area where the font had been located has now become a place of quiet prayer for those who wish to avail themselves of the privilege. A visible focus is the new statue of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, given to the parish by Father Al and Father George in honor of and in thanksgiving for their families. The marble pedestal that the statue sits on is given by Bruce and Hansi MacNeil in memory of their son, Bruce R. MacNeil, II.

Font Before Railing

Craftsman Sergio

Finished Railing
Or is it "Match" days?
Paul MarcAurele, July 4
Zachery Pacheco, July 4
Norm Ellinwood, July 6
Karen Thompson, July 7
Anna Caruolo, July 10
MaryAnn Cummings, July 13
Shirley Williams, July 20
Fr. George Warren, July 21
Bob Deninger, July 31
Bruce MacNeil, August 8
Sharon Bouchard, August 13
David Bouchard, September 1
Bonnie Standring, September 6
BIG Box Top Update!!! My class collected enough Box Tops to WIN the school competition, and as a result, we got a pizza party! Thanks so much to all who have been sending in their Box Tops! Every one counts!! : )
Jenni Liddle, Teacher, St. Rose of Lima
Mystery Prize Extravaganza
A drawing will be held... Everyone included! Look in your mail box, are you the winner? Keep looking!
Remember to keep saving the aluminum pull tabs! This program is a simple and wonderful outreach for our parish. Every cent is given to the Shriners’ Burn Institute in Boston. The jar is still in the back of the church. Hoot and Anne Smith will see that the tabs are taken to a recycling center.
Would you be interested in a women’s group offering affirmation and support?
WHY: God is in all of our connections and in the sacred space between us.
“I want to honor the commitment and community of
All Saints Church in Pontiac.”
NUTS AND BOLTS: Minimum 4 women; 8-10 sessions; 1 ¼ to 1½ hours.
COST: There is no cost.
WHEN: Time and day to be decided by those interested.
TOPICS: Follow the interests of the members. Meet with each individual before the first meeting and explore interests.
OPEN also to women in the larger church community.
Bring a friend!
CALL: Anna M. Caruolo, M.S.W.
Clinical Social Worker

The three stained glass windows in the south wall of the worship area of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pontiac section of Warwick, RI are located behind the choir stall.
The left window is James the Less, so called to distinguish him from James the son of Zebedee and from James the brother of the Lord. He is known to us from the list of the twelve, where he is called James the son of Alpheus. He may also be the person referred to in Mark’s gospel as James the younger, who with his mother Mary, and the other woman, watched the crucifixion from a distance.
The middle window is Christ.
The right window is believed to be Philip. He was called by Jesus shortly after Jesus called Peter and Andrew. Philip in turn convinced his friend Nathanael to come and see Jesus the Messiah. Later, when Jesus saw the hungry crowd and asked how to feed them (John 6:5) Philip’s response (John 6:7) was the prelude to the feeding of the multitudes with the loaves and fishes.
At the Last Supper Philip’s request, “Lord, show us the father, and we shall be satisfied,” brought forth the reply, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen the Father.” (John 14:8,9).
Article Submitted by Bruce MacNeil, Photo by Fred Liddle
We honor the life of
Thomas C. Thompson
Thomas C. Thompson, 80, of Cranston died Tues- day, June 26, 2018 at Rhode Island Hospital sur- rounded by his loving family. He was the beloved husband of Karen A. (Motta) Thompson.
Tom served as a firefighter for the city of Warwick for sixteen years; serving six years as a volunteer firefighter and ten years as a permanent fire-
fighter. He also honorably served in the United States Air Force. Tom was a member of the Warwick RI Retired Firefighters Association and the East Greenwich Veteran Fireman’s Club and was the past President of the Apponaug Fire Company. He was an avid reader and loved spending time with his family and was especially proud of his grand- children. In addition to his wife, Tom is survived by a son: Gary E. Thompson of Richmond, VA; a daughter: Kimberly Ann Thompson of Shaker Heights, OH; two step-daughters: Kaylin A. Habchi of Cranston and Kerry A. Cook of Scituate; and six grandchildren. He was known as “Grandpa T” to Shelby Thompson Blood and Douglas Thompson and was known as “Papa” to Madison Cook, Ghassan Habchi and George Habchi. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was the loving father of the late Bronwyn Thompson Schofield and brother of the late Dennis and Douglas Thompson.
His Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on Monday, July 2, 2018 at 10 AM in All Saints Episcopal Church, 111 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick. Entombment with military honors followed in St. Ann Cemetery, Cran- ston. Visiting hours were respectfully omitted.
In lieu of flowers, gifts in his memory may be made to: Warwick RI Re- tired Firefighters Association. 750 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, RI 02889 or All Saints Episcopal Church, 111 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886.
Funeral arrangements entrusted to THE URQUHART-MURPHY FUNERAL HOME 800 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, RI www.urquhart-murphyfuneralhomes.org.