The Parish

The Parish


The chief act of worship in the Episcopal Church is the Holy Eucharist (also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, the Sacred Liturgy, and the Lord’s Supper). Every Sunday morning at All Saints, we offer one service with music at 10:00 AM. This service is also streamed live via Zoom. If interested in attending the virtual service please email us for the link at In accordance with the discipline of the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians are invited to receive the blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion at every Mass.

The full range of sacraments are part of life in the parish including Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation of a Penitent (Confession), Matrimony, and Unction of the Sick. Also, the Anglican Communion teaches that from the apostles’ time, three distinct orders of ministry have been characteristic of Christ’s holy Catholic Church: bishops, priests and deacons. In the Episcopal Church ordination is open to both men and women, single, married, or celibate. In addition to ordained ministry, we are thankful for God’s gift of a variety of vocations including the Religious Life whereby the church is enriched by the ministries of monks, nuns, friars and oblates.

Parish Leadership – The Clergy

The Parish Priest
Father James Jacob

The Rev. Dr. James N. Jacob is an Episcopal priest licensed in Rhode Island and Albany Diocese. He has served many churches in Rhode Island and Albany dioceses as Associate and Interim Rector and ‘Visiting Priest’. Before he was ordained, he was a professor of Chemistry at the University of Rhode Island and worked as a scientist at Dartmouth College, Purdue University, and Harvard University. He also founded and owned a research laboratory, Organomed Corporation, for discovery research in cancer therapy. He has an MDiv from Andover Newton Theological School and has an MS and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. He has a passion for healing ministry in line with his medical research. He resides in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, and is married to Ninni Jacob. Together they have two children and four grandchildren. 

Lynn Tzitzouris
Fred Head shot
Fred Liddle

Parish Leadership – The Vestry

In the Episcopal Church, the leadership of a parish is shared by priests and lay people. At an annual meeting, members of the congregation elect leaders including four officers: a Senor Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, and a Clerk together with others to serve on a council known as a Vestry. The Vestry has primary responsibility for the finances and property of the church.

Parish Leadership – The Clergy

The Parish Priest
Father James Jacob

The Rev. Dr. James N. Jacob is an Episcopal priest licensed in Rhode Island and Albany Diocese. He has served many churches in Rhode Island and Albany dioceses as Associate and Interim Rector and ‘Visiting Priest’. Before he was ordained, he was a professor of Chemistry at the University of Rhode Island and worked as a scientist at Dartmouth College, Purdue University, and Harvard University. He also founded and owned a research laboratory, Organomed Corporation, for discovery research in cancer therapy. He has an MDiv from Andover Newton Theological School and has an MS and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. He has a passion for healing ministry in line with his medical research. He resides in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, and is married to Ninni Jacob. Together they have two children and four grandchildren. 

Marie Birch
Lynn Tzitzouris
Fred Head shot
Fred Liddle

Parish Leadership – The Vestry

In the Episcopal Church, the leadership of a parish is shared by priests and lay people. At an annual meeting, members of the congregation elect leaders including four officers: a Senor Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, and a Clerk together with others to serve on a council known as a Vestry. The Vestry has primary responsibility for the finances and property of the church.